Friday, 17 April 2009

Friday Check-In

Because I totally have an e-crush on Havi Brooks. And because all the cool kids are doing it. In which I round up the GOODs and BADs of the week.

Hello everybody, I'm doing a funky Friday round-up type thing because it sounds fun.

Bad things

Waking up late is my biggest problem at the moment. It makes me unactive when I do get up and it means I don't get my important stuff done. It's something I'm going to try and make better when I get back to Southampton tomorrow.

Exam revision has been getting on top of me a bit but I'll be just concentrating on past exams for a bit from now.

Good things

Easter Sunday was good times all round as a failed film day turned into an afternoon out in sunny sunny Christchurch, eating ice cream, playing golf, doing cartwheels and playing drinking games. Best Sunday I've had in a long time.

Parkour was pretty good yesterday, I think I may get into it again at some point. Maybe.


Sunday, 5 April 2009


Lists are great. All the life bloggers talk about them. Friends at university recommend them. Even Google love lists.  They're simple things but nothing beats them for organising thoughts.

Possibly one of the most popular uses for lists is to set out life goals, and that's exactly what I did last weekend, after the recommendation of my Sister. Here are the instructions:
Just write. Non-stop. For at least two minutes. Even if it's a stupid idea. Even if it doesn't quite make sense, just write it. Then when you're done, put it out of sight and come back to it the next morning. You might be surprised what you put down.
I tried this and aimed to fill up a whole card. If you want to see my results you can find them on 43things (it starts at #10) and my website. And I am determined to do all of these things, somehow. Some of them will be difficult, but I will work out how to do them, then post them on this blog.

If you do this exercise it would be great if you could post your results in the comments.

Wednesday, 1 April 2009


I have respect for many people, but some of the people I respect most are many of the Life Bloggers on the web. The people who have made great things of their lives, gone in new and fantastic directions, and then come back to give what they've learned to other people.

Okay so maybe they're making money from it. But they could to a million other things to make money, and instead they give back to the world.

Here are a few of my favourites:
Leo Babauta's Zen Habits
Jonathan Mead's Illuminated Mind
Havi Brooks's The Fluent Self